Data Science Nigeria Apps

Data Science Nigeria
Check4Me is a Data Collection app by Data Science Nigeria tocollect data about almost anything using crowdsourced independentdata collectors. Check4Me is designed to collect instant surveydata and multimedia with geographical coordinates. With built ingeofencing capabilities, Check4Me makes it possible to collect dataonly within a defined geo-bounded location. It is the fastest andsmartest way to get rewarded for participating in data collectionprojects.
NaLie 1.0.1
Data Science Nigeria
NaLie is a real-time validation system that properly verifiestextmessages while ensuring data privacy in order to filtertext-basedfinancial fraud and fake messages. The aim is toproactively detectand prevent these types of text-based financialfraud and fakemessages from successfully soliciting information andfunds fromunsuspecting users.
Datacrowd (DSN) 1.0.2
Data Science Nigeria
Data collection and survey tool for data science nigeria
ULearn 1.0
Data Science Nigeria
Experience a whole new world of learning with QR Codes!